
Key verse: psalm 25:12 | Who is the man that fears the Lord?

Him shall He teach in the way He chooses.

Supporting Scriptures: Psalm 25:3; 27:14; 62:1; 119:105 | Proverbs 1:7 Isaiah 9:7 | Matthew 7:7 | Acts 16:31 | Romans 10:9 | 2 Corinthians 6:2 | Colossians 3:15 | 1 John 1:9; 5:14


Christians can face difficult decisions with confidence knowing God is willing to give them clear direction in every situation.

However, those who fail to seek or wait for His guidance will experience uncertainty, confusion, and frustration. Sometimes, the fear of making wrong choices or feelings of inadequacy prevent many people from taking advantage of wonderful opportunities.

Others miss out because they rush ahead of God’s timing and just hope everything works out for the best.

Life is a continuous chain of decisions—some of which are irreversible—and that’s why we need divine guidance.

Many times, our present circumstances are the result of past choices, and our futures will be determined by the decisions we make today.

Our loved ones, friends, and co-workers are all affected by what we choose. We desperately need God’s wisdom to direct us.

What are Some Important Decisions that Can Transform our Lives?

The following six steps will help you discern God’s direction no matter what situation you are facing.


In order to hear the Lord’s voice, you must remove all obstacles by clearing your heart. You can’t expect to hear from the Lord if you’re tolerating sin in your life.

Any wrong attitude or action must be removed before you can proceed because sin clouds your mind just like fog obstructs your view of the highway.

Ask God if there’s anything in your life that doesn’t fit who you are as a follower of Christ. If He reveals a specific sin, confess and repent of it immediately.

You must also bring your desires to a point of neutrality. There will be times when what you want in a situation is not in line with what the Lord desires.

The only way you’ll receive His guidance is by submitting to Him. When you can honestly say that you desire His will to be done more than your own, He’ll provide the clear direction you need.

2.   Trust the Lord

Some decisions are urgent—at least from a human perspective. However, demanding an immediate answer from God is a sign of distrust. Patience requires a willingness to trust the Lord and submit to His timing. Instead of jumping ahead and making

a rash decision, slow down and evaluate your situation from God’s perspective.

Does this choice fit the principles of Scripture? Does it look like something the Lord would choose? Psalm 25:3 says that those who wait for the Lord will not be ashamed.

3.   Be alert to pressure

When seeking the Lord’s direction, be careful not to let anyone or anything persuade you to choose a path other than God’s. Be especially cautious of external pressures. Sometimes, people don’t understand why you’re waiting, and they may offer bad advice or push you to make a decision and move ahead.

Instead of giving in and making choices that are in conflict with God’s will, fill your mind with His Word. That way, you’ll be able to discern if the advice aligns with His desires. If you don’t have clarity from the Lord, it’s always best to wait.

Other times, pressure to make a decision is internal. Fear of losing an opportunity may cause you to get involved in a harmful situation or a wrong relationship instead of waiting on God’s guidance. Or the dread of rejection or criticism may prompt you to make a choice based on emotions rather than His will.

The truth is that anyone who lives a godly life will be excluded or misunderstood at times. God may lead you to a decision nobody else will understand, but if you take the first step of obedience, His blessings will follow.

4.   Persist in prayer

Just because you don’t receive an immediate answer from the Lord, it doesn’t mean He isn’t listening. The purpose of persistent prayer is not to force God to do what you want but for you to see the situation from His perspective.

As you wait, He deepens your relationship with Him and deals with the issues in your life that are preventing you from growing spiritually or being prepared for what He has in mind. You may not understand what He’s doing at the time, but one day, you’ll look back and thank Him for His perfect timing.

5.   Rest in God’s promises

In order to discover what the Lord wants you to do in a situation, you must believe in His promises. He assures us He’ll always answer the prayers of those who ask, seek, and knock (Matt. 7:7).

And if you faithfully read the Word each day, the Holy Spirit will lead you to verses that can guide you in any situation. If you don’t know where to look, begin by reading in Psalms and Proverbs, asking God to speak directly to your heart.

Remember, His Word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path (Ps. 119:105). If you fill your mind with the Lord’s thoughts each day, you’ll be able to make any decision.

6.   Dwell in God’s Peace

The last step in the decision-making process is to let the peace of Christ act as your umpire. He will tell you whether or not you’re “safe” in your choice, and there will be no doubt about it. When the direction is from God, His peace will enter your heart and mind (Col. 3:15). This is the evidence that you are following His path. There are no longer worries or struggles to deal with— just confident assurance.


When you’re faced with a decision and don’t know what to do, remember that God’s Word is His primary method of speaking to His people. The Scriptures address many issues, but if the one you’re looking for isn’t clearly discussed in the Bible, you can still receive guidance by humbly seeking the Lord in prayer and asking the Holy Spirit to help you apply scriptural principles to your particular circumstance.

When you patiently wait to hear His voice and heed His instructions, you can make a confident decision knowing that God has given you clear direction. Though others may not understand your choice or argue against it, you can face them with Christ’s perfect peace in your heart.


Quote by Oswald Chambers:  “Prayer doesn’t equip us for greater works; Prayer is the greater work!”

      1.  Ask God to forgive all your sins and offenses and everything you know does not   please Him.  Forgive those who have hurt you and offended you and ask the Holy          Spirit to help you overcome the offenses and the abuse.

      2.   Begin prayer time by first binding and loosing.  Use your spiritual keys of binding            and loosing.  Bind all anxiety, worry, stress, doubt, unbelief, impatience, fear, etc.          Loose God’s Peace, Love, Strength, Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding.             Declare that you have a sound mind; that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

      3.   Enter into God’s presence with Thanksgiving. Thank Him for everything you can think of.

      4.   Praise Him.  Sing a Psalm or a song.

      5.   Declare “I am your daughter/son, a daughter/son of Royalty.  I thank you Father for          this privilege.  I declare that you are the only True Living God – the Most High God!  Today I reverence you and acknowledge that without you I cannot make it.  I need        you.  I love you.  You are worthy to be exalted, worshipped, and adored.  I magnify   you Father.  I declare that Jesus, your only begotten Son, is the Savior, is Lord, is            King, and He is coming soon.  I declare that the resurrection power that raised Christ        from the dead dwells in me and has set me free from darkness, iniquities, death,             sickness and disease.  I believe that Christ sits on the throne interceding for me and             my family and all of God’s children.  I declare that the Blood of Jesus cleanses me   and protects me.  I apply the Blood of Jesus to my thoughts, my heart, and my body.

      I acknowledge you Holy Spirit, as my guide, my teacher, my friend, my advocate, my defender, and my support.  This day, I declare that nothing is impossible for you my God and Father.  I declare that all things concerning me are in your hands and in your time frame.

      Thank you for wisdom, energy, vitality, discernment, resources, divine health, a smile, joy, comprehension, listening and communication skills, compassion, mercy, a kind word, a strong word, a challenging word, for all those who come to me for counsel.

      Place a muzzle in my mouth – not to say anything outside of your wisdom.  Open my mouth with your wisdom and understanding and discernment, so that the person I counsel will be set free, transformed and enlightened and directed towards freedom and victory “in Christ.”

(Continue praying stating your petitions, needs, wants.  Be specific.  Don’t just quote and ramble repetitious, habitual, memorized prayers.  Don’t pray bread-only prayers: such as for shelter, job, car, and food.  God knows you need these things and He has promised to provide them. 

Pray for kindness, mercy, creative ideas, power to destroy strongholds, power to pray for the sick and see them healed.  Pray for boldness to speak God’s Word and put it into action.  Pray for a sound mind.  Pray for ability to make good investments and have understanding of God’s Word.  Pray fervently and with passion to invade and destroy the darkness in the life of a loved one. Pray for wisdom to make wise decisions.  Pray that God will enlarge your tent (everything that concerns you).  Pray to break the bondage of poverty.  Pray to release yourself from curses and negative family attachments.  Pray for others.  Etc. 

Your powerful prayers will break yokes (bad habits, oppression, burdens, bondage, repression, addictions, etc.)

My Counsel:

Don’t limit God.  Don’t put Him in a box.  Don’t ask Him for a little bit.  Ask Him for a lot – for big things.  Nothing is impossible for Him.  Take responsibility.  Be Obedient to God’s Word.  Do not slouch.  Fill your heart with good things and out of your mouth will come good things, good words, sound counsel, good ideas.    What you put in will come out. 

What you sow, you will reap. You will never have abundance, unless you are sowing, all the time!  The more you give, the more you will have.  If you have little, check your giving habits.  Sow into good ground.  Give to the poor, to missions, to the needy.  Give your tithe to the storehouse (where you get fed spiritually).   Start with the little you may have and keep increasing.  It’s a law – the law of sowing and reaping.  Like the law of gravity, when it is set into motion, there is no stopping it.   Never underestimate God. 

The Holy Spirit is always watching and listening attentively to see how he can help you and respond to your needs.  But He is only motivated and challenged by God’s Word and obedience in you.  The moment you declare God’s Word, as you walk in obedience, the Holy Spirit, acts upon that word to perform it!

Stop being a Victim:  If you have been hurt by someone and are still carrying the pain and hurt, it is time to put a stop to it.  As long as you insist on dwelling and feeling the pain of abuse, hurt, divorce, trauma, negative words, an unkind parent, etc., you will never feel peace and victory in your life.  You must release that thing – it is like a cancer that keeps eating away.  Forgive the person or persons who hurt you.  Release yourself and break the curse of bondage over your life.  Set into motion God’s blessings!  Loose yourself today!  I was there years ago, but today I am free.  It took a specific decision on my part.  Once I said, I forgive you dad, I was free.  The chains came off.  Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get over it!  The best of your life is ahead of you.  Your children or your future children will inherit your freedom and not the curses of abuse.  Praise God!


Father, Today I set into motion your New Covenant promises.

I declare that no weapon formed against me or my family will prosper.

I decree that no evil, sickness, accidents, interruptions, lack, poverty, robberies, fear, sudden death, pestilence, mind attacks, lies, temptations, insatiable desires (ravenous, unappeasable, cravings, addictive desires), etc. will come near my dwelling (body) or affect my life and my loved ones.

I declare that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

I declare that greater is Christ in me than the enemy in this world.

I declare that the Holy Spirit is guiding me and instructing me and my loved ones, in all our ways.

I declare that my husband is growing in Christ and he is full of your wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, to be all that you have created him to be.  (You can say this for your future husband if you are single – speak it by faith into existence).

I declare that the Word of God is a lamp that shines on my feet and a light that illuminates my path – every step I take.  Prov. 6:23; Ps.27:1

I declare that today I walk in Your fullness, guided by the Holy Spirit, and hedged around and about by the protection of your angelic hosts.  I declare that I have the mind of Christ and today I will make wise decisions and prosperous investments.

Thank you Father, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit for supplying everything I need today.  Keep me from all temptations and procrastination (laziness, putting things off, unfinished business).   In Christ name, Amen!


Healing Prayer (immune system deficiency – tiredness – joint pains):

            In the name of Jesus, I command all 125 trillion cells, along with all the T-cells in my body to align up electrically, magnetically, and chemically to the perfect DNA and RNA that God created.  I curse any prions in this body.  (Prions attack protein in body).  I command all the bad cells to be dissolved and discarded in Jesus name.  Thank you Lord Jesus.  Amen!

(Pray this in the morning and before bedtime). 

This Healing Prayer composed by Joan Hunter “Healing for the whole man.”


Un dicho by Oswald Chambers:  “La oración no nos equipa para las cosas mayores; La oración es la cosa mayor.”

      1.  Pídele a Dios que te perdone todos tus pecados y ofensas y todo lo que tu sabes que          no agrada a Dios.  Perdona a los que te han ofendido y pídele al Espíritu Santo que te   ayude a vencer las ofensas y el abuso. 

     2.    Empieza el tiempo de oración atando y desatando.  Usa tus llaves.  Ata la ansiedad,             preocupación, estrés, dudas, impaciencia, temores, etc.  Desata la paz y el amor de            Dios.  Desata fortaleza, sabiduría, conocimiento, entendimiento.  Declara que tienes        una mente sana; que tu cuerpo es el templo del Espíritu Santo. 

3    Entra a la presencia de Dios con acción de gracias.  Dale gracias a Dios por todo lo           que puedes pensar.  Pídele perdón por todas tus ofensas.

4.   ¡Alábale!  Canta un Salmo o un cántico.

5.   Declaro en este día que “Soy tu hija/hijo de Pacto y de Realeza. Te doy gracias Padre       por este privilegio.  Declaro que Tú eres el único Dios Viviente – el Dios Altísimo!      Hoy te rindo reverencia y declaro que no puedo hacer nada sin Ti.  Te necesito.  Te           amo.  Eres digno de ser alabado, magnificado y ensalzado.  Te magnifico Padre.  Declaro que Jesús, Tu único Hijo, es el Salvador, es Señor, es Rey, y viene pronto.      Declaro que el poder de la resurrección que levanto a Cristo de los muertos mora en   mí y me ha hecho libre de los poderes de las tinieblas, de la muerte, de toda iniquidad,       y toda enfermedad.  Declaro que Jesucristo esta sentado al trono de la gracia          intercediendo por mi y mi familia, con oraciones y gemidos e intercesión continua.          Declaro que la Sangre de Jesús me limpia y me protege.  Yo aplico y suplico la        Sangre de Jesús sobre mis pensamientos, mi corazón, y mi cuerpo.

      Te reconozco Espíritu Santo, como mi guía, mi maestro, mi amigo, mi abogado, mi          defensor y mi consolador.  En este día declaro que nada es imposible para Ti.        Declaro que todo lo que me concierne esta en Tus manos y en tu tiempo. 

            Gracias Padre por sabiduría, energía, vitalidad, discernimiento, recursos, sanidad   divina, una sonrisa, gozo, comprensión, la habilidad de escuchar, tener compasión,        misericordia, una palabra suave, una palabra de exhortación, una palabra de reto, para      todos los que vienen a mi con necesidades y consejos. 

.     Pon un freno en mi boca – para no decir nada fuera de Tu sabiduría.  Abre mi boca           con sabiduría, entendimiento y discernimiento, para que la persona con quien yo    hable pueda ser libre, transformada y dirigida hacia la victoria “en Cristo.” 

Continúa orando y haciendo peticiones de tus necesidades y deseos.  Se especifica.  No hagas las mismas oraciones repetidas, habituales y memorizadas.  No hagas oraciones de “pan” solamente.  Pan es lo que Dios ya prometió suplirte: tu hogar, comida, auto, trabajo.  Dios sabe que necesitas estas cosas y prometió suplírtelas.  Ora por misericordia, ideas creativas, poder para destruir fortalezas, poder y denuedo para orar por los enfermos y ver milagros suceder.  Ora por la habilidad de hacer buenas inversiones; tener más entendimiento de la Palabra de Dios.  Ora fervientemente y con pasión para invadir y destruir las obras del enemigo en la vida de tus familiares.  Ora por sabiduría para hacer decisiones sabias.  Ora para que Dios ensanche tu lugar (todo lo que te concierna).  Ora para romper el poder de la pobreza en tu vida y la de tus hijos.  Rompe las maldiciones heredadas porque ya has sido redimido/a de toda maldición al nacer de nuevo.  Ora para romper toda ligadura satánica y todo habito secreto que no agrada a Dios.  Ora por otras personas, etc.  Tus oraciones poderosas romperán los yugos: (malos hábitos, opresión del enemigo, cargas, ataduras, dominación, adicciones, etc.)

Unas Palabras de Consejo:

No limites a Dios.  No lo pongas en una caja.  No le pidas poco.  Pídele mucho y con fe.  Pídele de acuerdo a la Palabra de Dios.  La Palabra de Dios es el lenguaje de que el Espíritu Santo entiende, escucha, y obra.  Nada es imposible para Dios.  Toma responsabilidad.  Se obediente a Su Palabra.  No seas vaga e inestable.  Llena tu corazón de cosas buenas para que de tu boca salgan cosas buenas, palabras buenas, consejos buenos, buenas ideas.  De tu corazón manna la vida. 

Lo que tu siembras, eso segaras.  Nunca tendrás abundancia, al menos que siembres, todo el tiempo!  Entre mas das, más recibirás.  Si tienes poco, pon atención a tus hábitos de dar.  Siembra en buen terreno.  Da a los pobres, misiones, a los necesitados.  Da tus diezmos a tu iglesia (donde recibes alimento espiritual).  Empieza con lo que puedas dar

Y sigue dando más hasta que seas fiel con el 10 porciento y tus ofrendas.  Estarás poniendo en efecto la ley de la siembra y cosecha.  Dios ha prometido bendecirte cuando le obedeces.  Pon esta ley en moción y veras las bendiciones fluir. 

El Espíritu Santo esta siempre velando y escuchando atentamente par ver como te puede ayudar y responder a tus necesidades.  Pero El es solamente motivado y retado por la Palabra de Dios en tu boca y tu obediencia.  En el momento que tu declaras la Palabra de Dios y caminas en obediencia, el Espíritu Santo actúa sobre la Palabra para llevarla acabo.

Para de ser una Víctima: Si has sido herida por alguien y todavía cargas el dolor y sufrimiento, es tiempo de decir “basta ya” y parar esa situación.  Mientras tú insistas en cargar el dolor y el dolor del abuso, divorcio, trauma, palabras negativas, un padre infiel, etc., nunca vas a sentir paz y tener victoria en tu vida.  Tienes que soltar esa cosa – es como un cáncer que sigue comiendo.  Perdona a las personas que te han herido.  Suéltate hoy!  Yo estuve en esa situación anos atrás, pero hoy estoy libre!  Tome una decisión específica de mi parte.  Una vez que yo dije “Te perdono papa” yo quede libre.  Las cadenas se soltaron de mí.  Para de sentirte culpable y desátate!  Lo mejor en tu vida esta por delante.  Tus hijos y los hijos de tus hijos van a heredar tu liberación y tu victoria y no las maldiciones del abuso. Alaba a Dios.



Padre, hoy pongo en moción tus promesas del Nuevo Pacto.

Declaro que ninguna arma forjada contra mi o mi familia prosperara.  

Declaro que ninguna influencia diabólica, enfermedades, accidentes, interrupciones, pobreza, robos, temores, muerte, pestilencia, ataques en mi mente, mentiras, tentaciones, deseos insaciables y adicciones, etc. vendrán sobre mi o mi cuerpo y no le permito afectar mi vida y la vida de mi familia.

Declaro que soy justificada por fe en Cristo Jesús.

Declaro que mayor es Cristo en mí que el enemigo en este mundo.

Declaro que el Espíritu Santo me guía y me instruye, al igual que a mis seres queridos, en todos nuestros caminos.

Declaro que mi esposo esta creciendo en Cristo y esta lleno de Tu sabiduría, entendimiento y conocimiento, para ser todo lo que ha sido creado por Dios para ser.  (Puedes decir esto para tu futuro esposo si eres soltera – habla por fe a la existencia).

Declaro que la Palabra de Dios es lámpara a mis pies y lumbrera a mi camino – todo paso que tomo esta dirigido por el Espíritu Santo.  Prov. 6:23; Salmo 27:1.

Declaro que hoy camino en tu plenitud, guiado por el Espíritu Santo, y rodeada de protección por Tus ángeles.  Declaro que tengo la mente de Cristo y hoy haré decisiones sabias y hare inversiones prosperas.

Gracias Padre, Señor Jesús, y Espíritu Santo por suplirme todo lo que necesito hoy.  Protégeme de toda tentación y procrastinación (vagancia, dejar las cosas sin terminar).  En el Nombre de Jesús, Amen!


Oración de Sanidad (sistema inmune – cansancio – dolor en las coyunturas):

En el nombre de Jesús, ordeno que el sistema inmunológico sea restaurado.  Yo le ordeno que sea efectivo para detener las enfermedades, los gérmenes y los virus que estén causando problemas en este cuerpo, en el nombre de Jesús. (Has esta oración en la mañana y antes de dormir).          

Esta oración fue creada por la autora, Joan Hunter “Sanidad para el Hombre Integral.”

When Anxiety Strikes


How Can I Overcome Anxiety?

Scripture: Philippians 4:4-9

I. Introduction: Anxiety interferes with sleep, disrupts concentration, and hinders productivity. But children of God don't have to allow this destructive emotion to control their lives. Even when believers live through painful circumstances, they can experience peace beyond human comprehension.

II. What is the nature of anxiety?

A. This emotion can be defined as an overwhelming sense of tension that fragments our thoughts and divides our minds.

B. The Bible teaches us how to avoid letting worry take over our lives.

                "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 4:6-7)  

C. Why is it so important that we learn to deal with anxiety?

•          Worry disrupts our thoughts, so we can't think clearly or make wise decisions.

•          Our productivity decreases because fretfulness wastes time and energy.

•          Relationships with our spouses, families, coworkers, and friends suffer.

•          Anxiety contributes to a host of health problems.

•          It indicates a lack of trust in God and hampers our relationship with Him (Matt. 6:31,       34)        

III. How can you and I overcome anxiety?

A. By praying right:

•          Christians should pray in all circumstances and situations (Phil. 4:6).

•          Instead of focusing exclusively on a list of requests, we should seek to adore and worship the Lord. God already knows our needs, and He has the power to supply       them.

•          Believers ought to pray specifically, especially when interceding for others.

•          Christians should cry out to the Lord in supplication (Phil. 4:6). This word indicates a        passionate outpouring of the heart (Ps. 34:17; Heb. 5:7), in contrast to mere lip service          (Isa. 29:13). As God's             children, we can trust that He will answer our fervent prayers.

•          We should make our requests "with thanksgiving" (Phil 4:6). When God doesn't answer   our prayers immediately—or when He says no—we should continue to be grateful for            what we already have.           

B. By thinking right:

•          Our thoughts directly affect how anxious we feel. Christians are to dwell on "whatever is             true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,     whatever is of good repute…[and] anything worthy of praise" (Phil. 4:8).

•          Instead of worrying about what the future will bring, try focusing on your relationship     with the Lord. Seek His will regarding your goals and life's purpose—for today,        tomorrow, and the future.

•          As Christians, we will still face adversity, but God can give us supernatural peace in the    midst of suffering (John 14:27). Nothing happens unless He allows it. And the Lord promises to use difficult situations for our ultimate good (Rom. 8:28).   

C. By living right:

•          Those who lead ungodly lives cannot experience lasting peace. And people who don't      know the Lord have no hope of life after death (Matt. 7:23). They may mask their fears        with drugs, alcohol, work, or some other distraction. But such people frequently live with apprehension      about their eternal future.

•          We must be obedient in order to be free from anxiety (Phil. 4:9).   

IV. Conclusion: Commit your worries to God. Determine to meditate on truthful and righteous things, and surrender control of your life to Him. The Lord will give you the grace to overcome anxiety. Yes, you may still experience heartache, pain, or difficulty. But you can learn to say with the apostle Paul, "I have learned to be content in whatever circumstance I am" (Phil. 4:11).

Cleansing Prayers and Scriptures

heart snow.jpg

Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Psalm 51:1-3 NASB

Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7 NASB

Prayer: My Father in Heaven, wash me completely from all the iniquities and sins of my parents and ancestors. Please forgive and cleanse me of all my sins.  I want to serve you with all my heart.  I surrender my life to you.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Remove the evil of your deeds from My sight. Cease to do evil.  Isaiah 1:15-17 NASB

Repentance is necessary to receive God’s blessings.  This is something we must do – not something God does for us.

Wash your heart from evil, O Jerusalem that you may be saved. How long will your wicked thoughts lodge within you? Jeremiah 4:14 NASB

(This verse speaks to all believers.  To stay clean, one must pay attention to the thoughts that invade the mind every day, and learn to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.)

Prayer: Help me Dear Father to keep myself pure and my heart from evil.  I take every thought that exalts itself above the knowledge of Christ and tries to control my thinking, captive to the obedience of Christ.  It will not dominate my life, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Now why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His name.  Acts 22:16 NASB

(Baptism is considered a washing away, or burying of our sins, and a resurrecting of a new life in Christ.)

Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.  1 Corinthians 6:11

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the Word. 

Ephesians 5:25-26 Amp

Prayer: Father God, sanctify me and wash me clean as I study and meditate on your Word.  Thank you Holy Spirit for bringing understanding to my mind and a desire to apply your Word to my life in obedience.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

He saved us, not because of any works of on righteousness that we had done, but because of His own pity and mercy, by (the) cleansing (bath) of the new birth (regeneration) and renewing of the Holy Spirit.  Titus 3:5 

Prayer: Thank you Father God for your mercy upon me and for washing me clean.  Thank you Holy Spirit for renewing my mind and teaching me how to understand and apply the Living Word to my life.  

Let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Hebrews 10:22 NASB

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I draw near to you with a sincere heart.  Cleanse me and wash me clean of all evil and anything in my conscience that can be a hindrance to my relationship and walk with you. I love you my Abba Father.  In Jesus Name, Amen.  

I said to him, “My lord, you know.” And he said to me, “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 

Revelation 7:14 NASB

Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city. Revelation 22:14 NASB

Prayer: Dear Abba Father, give me the strength every day to keep myself pure and free from all temptations.  Help me to obey your statutes and wise counsel, and to walk in your freedom so that you may find me washed in the blood of the Lamb.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

And his (Naaman) servants came near and said to him, My Father, if the prophet had bid you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? How much rather, then, when he says to you, Wash and be clean? 2 Kings 5:13 Amp

Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; put away evil of your doings from before my eyes!  Cease to do evil. Learn to do right!  Seek justice, relieve the oppressed, and correct he oppressor.  Defend the fatherless, plead for the widow…If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.  Isaiah 1:16-19 AMP

Prayer:  My Father, I want to be an example of your love to my family and to others.  I am willing and obedient. Open my spiritual eyes to discern the enemy’s devices against my life.  With your help and the guidance of the Holy Spirit I will seek to help others and to be a light in the darkness.  Cleanse me and wash me clean.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Jesus knew that the Father had put him in complete charge of everything; that he came from God and was on his way back to God. So he got up from the supper table, set aside his robe, and put on an apron. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the feet of the disciples, drying them with his apron. When he got to Simon Peter, Peter said, "Master, you wash my feet?"  John 13:2-4

Peter persisted, "You're not going to wash my feet—ever!" Jesus said, "If I don't wash you, you can't be part of what I'm doing."
"Master!" said Peter. "Not only my feet, then. Wash my hands! Wash my head!" Jesus said, "If you've had a bath in the morning, you only need your feet washed now and you're clean from head to toe. My concern, you understand, is holiness, not hygiene.

John 13:8-10 MSG

It wasn't so long ago that we ourselves were stupid and stubborn, dupes of sin, ordered every which way by our glands, going around with a chip on our shoulder, hated and hating back. But when God, our kind and loving Savior God, stepped in, he saved us from all that. It was all his doing; we had nothing to do with it. He gave us a good bath, and we came out of it new people, washed inside and out by the Holy Spirit. Our Savior Jesus poured out new life so generously. God's gift has restored our relationship with him and given us back our lives. And there's more life to come—an eternity of life! You can count on this.  Titus 3:3-8 MSG




My husband and I were the pastors of the Single Adult Ministry in the church we attended some years ago. We learned quite a few very important things. The group was mixed with singles never married, divorced, and single parents. The most urgent problems were among the single and divorced parents, dealing with all the daily parenting issues.

I realize my new book, Powerful Prayers to Protect the Heart of Your Child, is about teaching you how to pray powerful and effective prayers for your children. But, it’s also urgent to first take a critical look at your whole parenting lifestyle and coping abilities, and the effect it’s having on you as the parent, and on your child.

Is there peace in your heart and your home? Is your child well behaved and adjusted? Are you receiving spiritual help and encouragement from your local church, and is your child receiving Bible teaching and enjoying fun activities at church?
These are important questions to ponder. Many of you can answer positively, but many more of you are facing great battles, and spiritual nourishment is the last thing on your mind. To heal you must get into a different environment. Even if disappointments and regrets are clouding your mind daily, you must allow the Holy Spirit, your Helper, to begin a healing process in you, or your situation may never change. God did not create you to face life alone. (John 14:26) NKJV

Here I am sharing some of the life-changing counsel we gave to our single and divorced parents, and how we saw firsthand, many dramatic changes and transformation take place. I pray that you and your child will experience hope and wholeness. The learning, growing and becoming will be the best parts of your journey.

• Getting connected to a good vibrant and happy church, is my first and very important advice. God is able to make all things new. (Verse) Have the pastor and his wife pray you through a prayer of forgiveness and surrender and invoke a blessing over you and your child. Ask the pastor’s wife to recommend someone who can become your prayer partner and mentor. You need someone you can lean on and share your burdens with. Galatians 6:2
• Pray together with your children. Not only pray for them, but teach them how to pray to be forgiven and to forgive others, for their meals, before they head out to school, a bedtime prayer, for healing, good grades in school, etc. This will develop faith in your child. James 5:15 (NKJV) “And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.
• Be specific and calculated with your instructions and discipline. Let your child know there are consequences for not following instructions and obeying. Don’t assume your child will learn everything in school or daycare. Verbalize instructions until they get it. Compliment good behavior, and deal with bad behavior with physical discipline. Proverbs 13:24
• You will always be the real and most important model of the behavior your child will imitate. Think about this. It’s not so much what you say, but what you do that will influence their life and behavior. Your goal should always be to depend on Christ for everything. As children of God, we must live by faith and not by what we see and know. Allow God Almighty to restore all the brokenness. (Galatians 2:20)
• Develop a royalty mentality. Your Heavenly Father is a King! He created YOU and your child chosen and as royalty. See yourself crowned and able to enjoy all of God’s blessings! Spend some time thinking and studying about this. Start acting, thinking, talking, and praying like royalty. It will change your mindset and desires. Teach your children to do everything like Kings kids, with the behavior of royalty! 1 Peter 2:9; 1 Samuel 10:25 NKJV “But you [are] a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;
• Stop complaining. Develop a positive and uplifting attitude, all the time. It is contagious. Teach your child what the Word says about our words. Practice until you both get it right! It will transform your lives. Pr. 6:2; Matthew 12:37
• Be generous with your hugs, kisses, and little surprises and celebrations. Pay attention to the emotions and feelings.
• Be your child’s counselor. Protect your child’s heart. Get into his mind. Find out what makes him happy or sad or hiding from you. Teach him that whatever he allows into his heart will develop roots and grow and will determine his future. That’s a big deal! “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it flows the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23
• Teach your child the truth about sex and immorality. Don’t wait until friends tell them and tempt them. Start while they are still young. Do some more research about this. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you. 1 Cor. 6:9-10
• Help your child develop convictions that will never be compromised. Powerful convictions lead the way to important rules, such as, not to lie, steal, cheat, do drugs, be immoral, hate, or compromise. Teach your child to love God with all their heart. “Like a muddied fountain and a polluted spring Is a righteous man who yields and compromises his integrity before the wicked.” Proverbs 25:26 AMP; Hebrews 3:14 NIV
• Address the Spirit of Anger for it makes a person act wounded. Have the pastor pray for you and your child if anger has become a serious issue. Don’t allow this spirit to steal your joy and wellbeing. Ephesians 4:26 NIV

• Pay attention to the Spirit of Depression. Get help immediately or it can lead to devastating behaviors in you and your child. Depression can cause your spirit to fail and go into a devastating pit. Psalm 143.7-8 AMP

• Avoid sexual immorality and loneliness for it can lead you into what you may think is harmless or safe sex. Always be on your guard. Protect your child by protecting yourself from all sin. Don’t open the door to the enemy. 1 Cor.6:18AMP

• Break the power of generational curses by keeping yourself pure and serving God with all your heart. You will open the door to God’s protection and to all His blessings when you refuse to repeat all the sinful things you may have been involved in the past. Deut.28:15-68